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ARC25 Agenda – Fri, Jan 31

1:30 to 3 pm, Regency Ballroom (North)


Mary B. Kroetz, PhD, Bellarmine University

Training a new generation of scientists: CURE-based learning for biology education 

Mary B. Kroetz
Department of Biology, Bellarmine University, Louisville, KY

Introduction/Background. In order to expose a larger and more diverse group of students to authentic research than the traditional independent study, a Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) allows for students to participate in authentic research within a course.  CUREs generally require five components: an element of discovery, iteration built into the lab, students engaging in high level of collaboration, students learning scientific practices, and a topic that is broadly relevant so research could potentially lead to publication (Auchincloss et al., 2014). I have redesigned the Genetics laboratory at Bellarmine University as a CURE.  This is a required course for biology, biochemistry and molecular biology, and neuroscience majors which allows for a large cohort of students to participate in authentic research.  

Hypothesis/Goal of Study. To determine the success of the CURE, students are assessed for their changes in attitudes about science and knowledge of molecular techniques and compared with students in a non-CURE cell biology lab for which I am also the instructor.

Methods and Results. Students in the laboratory use CRISPR to edit the genome of the C. elegans model organism. Working in groups, students design the constructs need for the CRISPR genomic edit, screen and verify animals for the intended edit, and characterize the outcome of the genomic edit. Students will also familiarize themselves with scientific literature and present their results to the class. Additionally, this research is linked to my overall research interest to better understand the genetic networks promoting gonadogenesis. Because the Genetics CURE is taught across multiple sections, some of which are led by adjunct instructors with no previous experience with C. elegans nor with the molecular tools needed to employ CRISPR, I am utilizing former students to act as peer learning facilitators. These former students are able to assist the adjunct instructors and provide extra assistance to current students struggling to learn the new techniques.

Discussion/Conclusions. Though we are still in the process of collecting data to assess the CURE’s impact on students’ experience and knowledge of science, initial feedback in very positive:  seven students are currently continuing research projects in my laboratory as directed studies and Honors theses which grew out of the CURE. Also, feedback on the student evaluations has been positive. 

Citation/Acknowledgements. KY INBRE P20GM103436

Alena Smith, PhD, University of Kentucky

Empowering Rural Students for Success in STEM: Recognizing the Hidden Strengths

Alena Smith

Cancer Research Informatics Shared Resource Facility (CRI-SRF), Markey Cancer Center, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Introduction/Background. Rural students often face a unique set of challenges when entering higher education, including stigma and bias due to their backgrounds. This can lead to academic struggles, mental health challenges, and prolonged educational paths. However, by reframing the narrative and recognizing the valuable skills rural students bring with them — skills developed from their upbringing — academic success in STEM can be achieved. Growing up in rural communities fosters resilience, resourcefulness, community collaboration, and the ability to overcome adversity — qualities that are essential for scientific progress. These skills are not only transferable to STEM fields, but they are often the very traits that drive innovation and discovery. In this session, I will highlight these strengths, share real-world examples, and explore how empowering rural students with positive reinforcement can help them thrive in STEM education.  

Hypothesis/Goal of Study. To support integration of rural students into higher education STEM through educating both the students and mentors about their potential.

Methods and Results. This talk is set upon the pretext of informing participants on how to engage with students who are overlooked within the academia system. Using a combination of resources from elementary educational service research to post doctoral research, as well as personal experience, aiding students from rural areas into STEM can be successful.

Discussion/Conclusions. Microaggressions against rural students exist along with outright refusal to even entertain the idea of admission of these students to higher academia.  Transforming prejudice into promise can easily be overcome by highlighting the strengths that these students DO possess along with open dialogue and support for these students.  However, this is only one side of the coin, students need to also be aware of their talents and how to utilize them to their advantage.  Admittance into higher STEM academia tends to expose student's weaknesses in order for the committee to make decisions; but what if instead we use a different lens to discuss these “weaknesses” of rural students?  Our conclusion might be different.

Ethan R. Hackney, MSc, Murray State University

Structure-function analysis of RNA-protein granules in germline development 

Ethan R. Hackney, Samuel J. Tindell, Alyssa G. Boeving, Carlie England, and Alexey L. Arkov
Department of Biological Sciences, Murray State University, Murray, KY

Introduction/Background. Germ cells give rise to the egg and sperm cells and, therefore, to the next generation. In many organisms, germ cells assemble membraneless RNA-protein organelles called germ granules. Components of germ granules are required for germ cell specification. One of these crucial components is evolutionarily conserved Tudor domain-containing protein. Specifically, in the fruit fly Drosophila and the wasp Nasonia, this Tudor protein contains multiple Tudor domains. These domains are protein-protein interaction modules shown to interact with methylated amino acids of target proteins.  

Hypothesis/Goal of Study. We aim at understanding the molecular mechanisms of the germ granule assembly through detailed structure-function analysis of Tudor protein and its binding partners using Drosophila and Nasonia as model organisms.

Methods and Results. Using genetic, imaging, and biochemical approaches, we found that in germ granules in both fly and wasp, Tudor associates with specific binding partner proteins including Piwi-protein Aubergine and ATP-dependent DEAD-Box RNA helicase eIF4A. Our data indicated that multiple Tudor domains are required for germline development and for interaction with different protein components of the granules. However, in addition to Tudor domains, we unexpectedly found that intrinsically disordered protein regions between Tudor domains are also involved in the binding with germ granule components.

Discussion/Conclusions. Our data suggest that Tudor recruits different proteins to the germ granules using its different regions for protein-protein interactions. While some Tudor partner proteins use Tudor domains for binding, others bind to the regions between the domains to form a multi-component complex within the granules. Structural model of Tudor complex assembly and its functional significance will be discussed. 

Citation/Acknowledgements. National Science Foundation (MCB-2130162) and National Institutes of Health (R01GM129153 and KY INBRE P20GM103436).

Chelsea Howd, BS, Western Kentucky University

Examining the Role of Social Support and Suicide Ideation History in the Link Between Inadequacy and Entrapment Among High School Students

Chelsea Howd and Amy Brausch
Department of Psychological Sciences, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY

Introduction/Background. Entrapment, the feeling of being unable to escape a situation, is a significant factor in adolescent suicide risk (e.g., Pollak et al., 2021). However, research examining what contributes to entrapment during adolescence is limited. Struggles at school or home may foster feelings of inadequacy, which can lead to entrapment when situations seem unchangeable. School-based individuals could provide support to reduce these feelings, potentially mitigating entrapment. Understanding this role is particularly important for students with a history of suicide ideation (SI).  

Hypothesis/Goal of Study. This study explored the link between a sense of inadequacy (SOI) and entrapment in high school students, considering the influence of dimensions of social support (i.e., parents, teachers, classmates, close friend, people in school, and total support) and a previous history of SI.

Methods and Results. Data were collected from 458 adolescents ages 13-19 (M=15.64, SD=1, 72% white, 51% female, 82% heterosexual) from a high school in KY using the Behavior Assessment System for Children (BASC), the Child and Adolescent Social Support Scale (CASSS), the Entrapment Scale, and the Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors Interview-Revised (SITBI-R).

Hypotheses were tested using the PROCESS macro for SPSS (Hayes, 2018), but only the three-way interaction including teacher support (TS) was significant. SOI was related to entrapment (b=1.08, t=4.47, p<.001). Neither TS nor SI history were associated with entrapment (b=.27, t=1.27, p=.21; b=49.59, t=1.92, p=.06, respectively). Conditional effects of the interaction of SOI and TS based on SI history found that SOI was least associated with entrapment at high levels of TS from students without SI history (Effect=.50, t=6.78, p<.001).

Discussion/Conclusions. The impact of a sense of inadequacy on entrapment lessened with increased teacher support, and this was especially true for students without prior SI. Addressing other dimensions of social support in adolescents with prior SI is crucial for community programs aiming to mitigate suicide risk. 

Citation/Acknowledgements. The National Institutes of Health funded this study through awards #5P20GM103436-24 (KY INBRE; from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences), #2R15MH113045-02, and #3R15MH113045-02S1.

Louisville iGEM High School Team

Insights into Molecular Interactions: Predicting and Validating PFOA Binding to Human Proteins 

Vishwaa Kannan1, Chaturya Paladugu1, Kalp Poladia1, Daniel Jiang1, Shlok Jena1, Edward Kim1, Leon Guo1, James Marshall2,  Akhila Nalladimma1, Arjun Nalladimma1, Aryan Shah1, Gowshik Ramanathan1, Michael Martin3, Rob Monsen4, Kalina Andreeva-Stallard4,  Shelia Thomas4, Andrea Poole4, Sabine Waigel4, and Douglas Lin1

1duPont Manual High School, Louisville, KY, 2Louisville Collegiate School, Louisville, KY, 3UofL Micro/Nanotechnology Center, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, 4UofL Health-Brown Cancer Center, Department of Medicine, University of LouisvilleLouisville, KY

Introduction/Background. PFAS (per and poly-fluoroalkyl substances) are chemicals used in the manufacturing of many products, such as non-stick cookware, waterproof clothing, and firefighting foam. They have been called “forever chemicals” for their inability to break down in our environment and have accumulated to the extent that at least 97% of Americans have traceable amounts in their blood (NHANES 2015).  However, while the full spectrum of their effects is not entirely understood, they have been implicated in several cancers and liver conditions.  

Hypothesis/Goal of Study. Current detection methods like mass spectrometry and liquid gas chromatography are expensive and inaccessible to the general public. Therefore, our project seeks to develop a cost-effective, genetically engineered bacterial system to detect PFAS. This project is a part of iGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machines), an international competition in synthetic biology.

Methods and Results. Current detection methods like mass spectrometry and liquid gas chromatography are expensive and inaccessible to the general public. Therefore, our project seeks to develop a cost-effective, genetically engineered bacterial system to detect PFAS. This project is a part of iGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machines), an international competition in synthetic biology.

Discussion/Conclusions. A 40% positive binding verification rate was proof that the strategy of our prediction model was very successful. For future work, we will express and purify at least one of the proteins to produce enough quantity to study the dynamic range of this method. 

Citation/Acknowledgements. Our iGEM team is supported by NIH P20GM103436 (KY IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence), the Brown Cancer Center, UofL MNTC, and Metrohm.

Page updated Jan 18, 2025