Kyle Brothers, MD, PhD
Session Chair

Professor of Pediatrics University of Louisville School of Medicine

Chief Scientific Officer, Norton Children’s Research Institute (NCRI) 

Affiliated with the University of Louisville School of Medicine

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ARC25 Agenda – Sat, Feb 1

11:45 am to 12:45 pm, Kentucky Suites (Oaks/Derby)

Building Partnerships and Broadening Perspectives to Advance Ethical, Legal and Social Implications Research

How Ethical, Legal and Social Implications Research can Advance Biomedical Science

Session Chair: Dr. Kyle Brothers

Additional Session Presenters: 

Amy A. Lemke, PhD, MS
Director, Community Engaged Research 

Norton Children’s Research Institute (NCRI), Affiliated with the University of Louisville School of Medicine 

Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Clinical & Translational Research, University of Louisville School of Medicine  

Emma M. Sterrett-Hong, PhD, LMFT

Licensed Psychologist 

Professor, Raymond A. Kent School of Social Work & Family Science, University of Louisville

Biomedical science research often raises various ethical, legal and social implications (ELSI). The goal of this session is to introduce why studying ELSI in biomedical sciences is important and to describe potential strategies in which ELSI research methodology can be incorporated in your work. Case examples of how ethical issues can be studied in biobanking, polygenic scores and community engagement in genomic testing will be presented. Time will be available during the workshop for audience members to pose and discuss potential ELSI research ideas related to their scientific projects with the workshop panelists.

Page updated Dec 30, 2024