Alex Glynn, MA
Session Chair

Research Literacy and Communications Instructor

Kornhauser Health Sciences Library

University of Louisville

Home > Events > ARC25 > ARC25 Agenda-Sat > ARC25 Agenda-DataMgmt-Glynn

ARC25 Agenda – Sat, Feb 1

11:45 am to 12:45 pm, Gulfstream

Data Management Sharing Plans and University Resources

Session Chair: Alex Glynn

Additional Session Presenters: 

Rachel Keith, PhD, APRN, ANP-C

Associate Professor of Medicine

Division of Environmental Medicine, University of Louisville 

Joel Schmidt

Grant Program Manager

School of Nursing, University of Louisville

This panel will discuss the state of data management and sharing (DMS) at the University of Louisville and affiliated research organizations. How has our research work changed since the NIH began requiring DMS plans in grant applications? What growing pains are we experiencing as we reform our DMS processes? And as other federal agencies publish their own DMS policies, how prepared are we for the approaching requirement to share all federally funded research data?

Page updated Dec 30, 2024