Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP)

KY INBRE funds up to 20 undergraduate students annually to participate in biomedical research under the supervision of faculty mentors who are actively engaged in biomedical research at the University of Louisville or the University of Kentucky.

Important Information

The KY INBRE Summer Program is conducted on both the UofL and UK campuses as an in-person experience. If any changes occur, the updated information will be posted here.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If after you click on the Apply Button, you may receive a warning that your connection is not secure. The RedCap instrument that we use to collect data is a secure program. The warning is encountered sometimes in certain browsers. It is safe to continue. Any questions or concerns, please contact Susan Boucher.


To be eligible to apply to the KY INBRE SURP, the criteria below must be met to continue with the application:

Application Requirements

Please mail transcript and letter to:

Susan Boucher

522 E. Gray Street

Louisville, KY 40202

Letter of Recommendation can be emailed to Susan Boucher.


Student compensation includes the following:
