Quick Links
7:30 to 9 am
Breakfast Buffet
Regency Foyer
Conference Check-In
Regency Foyer
Posters set up
Regency Ballroom (South)
Saturday Session Posters can be set up anytime after 5:30 pm on Friday
See Abstracts page for poster numbers and locations.
9 to 10:30 am
Exhibit Hall opens (runs all day)
Regency Foyer
Poster Session II
Regency Ballroom (South)
Dr. Greg Hawk 1:1 Statistical Consultations
20 minute spots — sign up!
Core Facility Directors 1:1 Consultations — sign up
Park Suites (Shawnee/Cherokee)
Empowering Rural Students for Success in STEM: Recognizing the Hidden Strengths
Session Presenter: Dr. Alena Smith
Session Moderator: Dr. Julia Chariker
Investigator Short Talks
Landon Teer, UofL
Nicholas Mellen, UofL
Mahdi Yazdanpour, NKU
Michael Martin, UofL
Student Flash Talks
Leah Bishop, NKU
Carly McPherson, WKU
LeaAnn King, NKU
Ragan Adkins, MoSU
Kentucky Suites (Oaks/Derby)
Commercialization 101: Unlocking Innovation and Advancing Research Impact
Session Chair: Kayla Meisner
Career Planning 101: How to Set (and Meet) Your Professional Goals
Session Chair: Dr. Heather Dillon
Conference Theater
Machine Learning (ML) Behavioral Analysis of Video Data
Session Presenter: David Alston
11:30 to 11:45 am
Networking Break
Dr. Greg Hawk 1:1 Statistical Consultations
20 minute spots — sign up
Downs and Iroquois
Core Facility Directors 1:1 Consultations — sign up
Conference Theatre
Student-Focused Session
Session Chair: Dr. Corrine Williams
Park Suites (Shawnee/Cherokee)
Top ten things your collaborative statistician wants you to know
Session Chair: Dr. Katie Thompson
Session Moderator: Dr. Muge Sak
Investigator Short Talks
Laryn O'Donnell Knudson, NKU
Douglas S. Krull, NKU
Dan Conklin, UofL
Melissa Eggen, UofL
Student Flash Talks
Rebecca Hutchinson, UK
Hanna Forrest, WKU
Aishwarya Kumar, WKU
Rosalynn Walton, WKU
Kentucky Suites (Oaks/Derby)
Building Partnerships and Broadening Perspectives to Advance Ethical, Legal and Social Implications Research
How Ethical, Legal and Social Implications Research can Advance Biomedical Science
Session Chair: Dr. Kyle Brothers
Data Management Sharing Plans and University Resources
Session Chair: Alex Glynn, MA
1 pm
Lunch and Award Ceremony
Regency Ballroom (North)